Innovative Satellite Software Solutions

by Virgil Labrador, Editor-in-Chief

Zagreb, Croatia, March 6, 2019--Satellites are becoming more and more complex as the new High Throughput Satellite (HTS) and non-geostationary systems are coming. The new systems require innovative solutions for monitorign and control. One such company providing unique software solutions  is Amphinicy Technologies based in Zagreb, Croatia, a provider of complex software solutions and all-round software support for the satellite and space industry.  After 20 years in the business Amphinicy has delivered over 100 projects to international space and humanitarian agencies, leading satellite operators and global satellite service providers, teleports and space mission operation centers, and satellite equipment manufacturers.

The innovative solutions provided by the company are based on their key product lines including:

• MONICA – a state-of-the-art ground segment monitor and control solution, built primarily for the satellite industry. It is robust, secure and reliable, demonstrates high performances and can scale from a single ground station to a network of hundreds of thousands VSATs

• Blink – a fully software based, ultra-fast satellite telemetry acquisition system for Earth observation

• SatScout – a powerful mobile application framework for commissioning and certification of VSAT terminals and antennas.

“In the last few years, we have put extreme focus on bringing these three products to a market-ready state. This year, we will present products at our booth at CABSAT in Dubai, with focus on MONICA, our new generation ground station monitor and control framework now supporting huge scalability up to 100.000+ VSAT terminals,” said Frane Milos, Chief Executive Officer of  Amphinicy. 

According to Amphinicy, MONICA exposes human and machine interfaces, with typical Monitoring & Control  (M&C) features: a synoptic system status overview, alarming, logging, charting, reporting, powerful automation and scheduling capabilities, as is expected from an advanced M&C solution. 

“However, its true power lies in our completely new architecture based on state-of-the-art technologies. MONICA demonstrates out-of-the-box scalability and speed of evolution. For example, the new SatCom networks like Yahsat, O3b and OneWeb, are expected to have hundreds of thousands of VSAT terminals. At the moment, there is no solution on the market that can support KPI monitoring of such networks! MONICA can, and it can do it in real-time, and we can prove it!” added Milos.

“MONICA is built with best of open-source frameworks, it benefits from the open-source community and evolves much faster than its traditional counterparts that struggle with reliance on obsolete and proprietary technologies. By using a community tested framework, we are able to provide a real-time monitoring of fascinating 2millions KPIs/sec, with layers of multitenancy, security and georedundancy on top of it,” he added.

With configurability and connectivity embedded in every component, it can be used to build complex, tailored systems or used as an out-of-the-box solution, for a fraction of a price of competitors’ solutions.

As the number of terminals continue to grow all over the world. Customers are demanding high performance, unlimited scalability and data redundancy.  

According to Milos, MONICA could meet all of these means. Its key features include: 

Power - its architecture built around the most powerful high throughput message bus existing today, as well as distributed services gives an unseen flow rate in monitor and control world.  Millions of events per second can be handled by Monica’s services. The key benefits of this product include: 

Scalabilty-Monica can be one, two, or five and more interconnected and orchestrated services, fulfilling your needs. If you need more power, simply add another server. No matter how big or small your service is, Monica will adapt.  

Reliabilty - Monica is resilient to failures. Every minute, every second, all the time, a message will end up in the storage, no matter what. The high-availability is in the core of our system’s architecture. Just rely on it!

Security - Monica secures your data. Multitenancy up to the lowest level of data source allows fine tuning access per user, per organization or a group.

Amphinicy Technologies will be exhibiting at CABSAT 2019 in Dubai UAE from March 12-14.  Visit their booth at Hall 7 #G7-33 to view a demo of their innovative products.  Or go to for more information. 


Virgil Labrador is the Editor-in-Chief of Los Angeles, California-based Satellite Markets and Research which publishes a web portal on the satellite industry, the monthly Satellite Executive Briefing magazine and occasional industry reports called MarketBriefs.   Virgil is one of the few trade journalists who has a proven track record working in the commercial satellite industry. He worked as a senior executive for a teleport in Singapore, the Asia Broadcast Center, then-owned by the US broadcasting company CBS.  He has co-authored two books on the history of satellite communications and satellite technology. He also writes a regular column on the satellite industry for Asia Pacific Broadcasting.  His articles have appeared in numerous publications including the Encyclopaedia Britannica. He holds a Master’s in Communications Management from the University of Southern California (USC). He can be reached at