Satellite Executive Briefing magazine Archives

The November-December 2024 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing is now available Featuring:

The Multi-Orbit Challenge for Broadband Communications by Bruce Elbert

World Satellite Business Week Report  by Elisabeth Tweedie

Exploring the Significance of Regulatory Sandboxes for Satellite  and Emerging Technologies by Matthew Evans

The Golden Crown, the Chicago White Sox & the Collapse of Starlink​ by Lou Zacharilla

Company SpotlightWORK Microwave

Silicon Valley Space Week Highlight Key Industry Trends

Plus  Mergers and Acquisitions, Market Trends, Executive Moves, Vital Stats and many more. Click here to read or download the file


The September-October 2024 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing is now available Featuring:

The Changing Video Market for Satellites by Elisabeth Tweedie

The Satellite IoT Market by Hub Urlings

Executive Roundtable on the Latin American Broadband Market featuring Juan Pablo, Regional Vice President, Americas, Eutelsat GroupDaniel Losada, VP International Division at HughesDolores Martos, Regional VP Sales Latin America & Caribbean, Telesat; and Leandro Gaunszer, General Director of Viasat Brazil.

How Satellite Technology is Transforming Climate Action by Bogdan Gogulan

Case Study; Maximizing Uplink Performance:TEAM:MEDIA's Collaboration with  Orbital Connect and Terrasat 

iKOMG: From Trailblazing Startup to Market Leader in Content Distribution 

 Company SpotlightRF Design

Plus  Products and Services MarketPlace Guide to IBC 2024, Market Trends, Executive Moves, Vital Stats and many more. Click here to read or download the file


The July-August 2024 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing is now available Featuring:

How is Space Different? by Bruce Elbert

The New Age of Satcom: Choppy Waters in a Rising Tide by Blaine Curcio

Can Satellites Enable the Next Phase of Advanced Secure Networking   by Michael Cubeddu

Plus  Market Trends, Executive Moves, Vital Stats and many more. Click here to read or download the file



The May-June 2024 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing focusing on the Middle East/ North Africa Satellite Market is now available Featuring:

Update on the Middle East/North Africa Satellite Market  by Elisabeth Tweedie

TECHBrief: Encoding, Compression, Quantum and Today's Video Quality Imperative by Paul Scardino

Why Did the Elf Cross the Road  by Lou Zacharilla

Virtual Ground Stations

Plus Product and Services MarketPlace Guide to CABSAT 2024, Mergers and Acquisitions, Market Trends, Executive Moves, Vital Stats and many more. Click here to read or download the file


The April 2024 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing focusing on the Satellite Broadcast market is now available Featuring:

Flat Panel Antenna Market by Bernardo Schneiderman

Satellite Service Providers Turn to Hybrid Solutions for Broadcast by Elisabeth Tweedie

Pivoting from Danger to Major Opportunity by Robert Bell 

Germany's First Private Rocket Launch has the Potential to Revolutionize Rocketry with Game-Changing Technology  by Virgil Labrador

Plus  Market Trends, Executive Moves, Vital Stats and many more. Click here to read or download the file


The March 2024 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing is now available Featuring:

New Space Ventures by Elisabeth Tweedie

Report on the PTC'24 Conference by Bruce Elbert

It Ain't Standard Oil, It's the New Standards by Lou Zacharilla

Beyond Borders: Satellite IoT's Crucial Role in Driving Environmental Sustainability by Alastair MacLeod

What to Expect from the Satellite Industry in 2024 by Bogdan Gogulan

Better Satellite World: Bringing Oil Smuggling Out of the Shadows

Plus Product and Services MarketPlace Guide to SATELLITE 2024, Mergers and Acquisitions, Market Trends, Executive Moves, Vital Stats and many more. Click here to read or download the file


The February 2024 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing is now available Featuring:

Update on the Chinese Satellite Market by Blaine Curcio

Satellite-to-Phone Market by Bernardo Schneiderman

Key Takeaways from WRC 2023 by Ehtisham Siddique

Hardware to Software: The Ground Segment Evolution by Robert Bell

Plus Mergers and Acquisitions, Market Trends, Executive Moves, Vital Stats and many more. Click here to read or download the file


2023 issues


The 2023 Winter (December 2023-January 2024) issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing is now available Featuring:

The Small- and Medium-sized Satellite Market by Bernardo Schneiderman

Is Regulation the Answer for Space Situational Awareness by Joe Chan

Company Spotlight: ST Engineering iDirect

Do Renaissance Persons Work in Satellite? by Lou Zacharilla

Show Report: Satellite Innovation 2023 by Elisabeth Tweedie

Plus Mergers and Acquisitions, Market Trends, Executive Moves, Vital Stats and many more. Click here to read or download the file


The November 2023 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing sponsored by Comtech is now available Featuring:

NGSOs: A Key Driver for the Satellite Industry by Elisabeth Tweedie

Multilayer Connectivity from the Ground Up by Robert Bell

Executive Spotlight: Bruce Elbert, President, Application Strategy Inc.

Better Satellite World: How Satellite Make Mines Smarter

Plus Mergers and Acquisitions, Market Trends, Executive Moves, Vital Stats and many more. Click here to read or download the file


The September-October 2023 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing focusing on the Video Market for Satellites sponsored by Comtech is now available Featuring:

The Changing Video Market for Satellites by Elisabeth Tweedie

Show Reports:  Asia Satellite Business Week, Singapore by Blaine Curcio  AI for Good 2023, Geneva by Roxana Dunnette

Executive Spotlight: Phoebe Wang, VP-Asia, Thuraya

In Memoriam: Zvi Golod

Company Spotlight: Jonsa Technologies

India's Road Less Travelled by Lou Zacharilla

Better Satellite World: Finding Energy in Ocean Waves

Plus Mergers and Acquisitions, Market Trends, Executive Moves, Vital Stats, Product and Services Marketplace Guide to IBC 2023 in Amsterdam and many more. Click here to read or download the file

The July-August 2023 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine is now available Featuring:

The Broadcast Market for Satellite by Elisabeth Tweedie

How to Survive and Thrive in Video Distribution by Robert Bell

Satellite's Key Role in the Distribution of Movie FIles by Henrik Axelsson

Virtual Room Dialogues and Summit Analyses by Martin Jarrold

Plus Mergers and Acquisitions, Market Trends, Executive Moves and many more.   Click here to read or download the file

The June 2023 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing focusing on the Asia-Pacific Satellite market sponsored by Comtech is now available Featuring:

The Asia-Pacific Small Satellite Market by Virgil Labrador

EO Opportunities for Biodiversity Monitoring  by Rotoiti 

“There’s More to the Universe Than What’s for Lunch” by Lou Zacharilla

Better Satellite World: Path to the Good Life

Plus Mergers and Acquisitions, Market Trends, Executive Moves, Vital Stats, Product and Services Marketplace Guide to Satellite Asia 2023 in Singapore and many more.   Click here to read or download the file


The April-May 2023 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine focusing on the Broadcasting Market for Satellites is now available Featuring:

The Future of Satellite Broadcasting by Thomas Wrede

Key Takeaways from  Satellite 2023  by Elisabeth Tweedie

Satellite IoT and the Rise of LPGAN by Hub Urlings

Hello Cabsat!:GVF @SateExpo Summit by Martin Jarrold

Teleport Awards 2023: Where Good Jokes Go to Die…by Lou Zacharilla

Plus  Mergers and Acquisitions, Market Trends, Executive Moves, Vital Stats and many more.   Click here to read or download the file

The March 2023 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine focusing on the LEO and Smallsats Markets sponsored by Comtech is now available Featuring:

The LEO Satellite Market by Elisabeth Tweedie

Trends in the Small/Medium Satellite Launch Market by Bernardo Schneiderman

TECHBrief: Capacity Management and ITU Filing Made Easy by Alvaro Sanchez

The Business of Space  by Martin Jarrold

Plus Product and Services MarketPlace Guide to Satellite 2023, Better Satellite World seriesMergers and Acquisitions, Market Trends, Executive Moves and many more.   Click here to read or download the file

The January-February 2023 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine is now available Featuring:

Standards, Interoperability and Cooperation  by Helen Weedon

Executive Spotlight:  Interview with ITU Secretary-General  Doreen Bogdan-Martin  by Roxana Dunnette

Report on the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2022 by Roxana Dunnette

"Ambition is a Dream with a V8 Engine" by Robert Bell  

Opening GVF's Next Quarter Century by Martin Jarrold

The November-December 2022 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine focusing on the broadcast market sponsored by Spacebridge is now available Featuring:

An Industry in Transition by Elisabeth Tweedie

Why Satellite Has to Move to a Cloud-based Infrastructure  by Paul Isaac

TECHBrief: Virtual Ground Stations

MarketBrief: Space Insurance Market

Product Spotlight: Jonsa's Martime Antennas
Burnt Toast by Lou Zacharilla
Event Parallels  by Martin Jarrold

The September-October 2022 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine focusing on the broadcast market sponsored by Spacebridge is now available Featuring:

The Role of Satellites in Delivering OTT Content by Elisabeth Tweedie

Trends in Satellite Video Broadcasting by Thomas Wrede

TECHBrief: IP Cores for Satellite Applications

Company Spotlight: Satellite Mediaport Services

PLUS Products and Services Guide to the IBC 2022,  Mergers and Acquisitions, Executive Moves, Market Briefs, and many more. Click here to read or download the file

The July-August 2022 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine sponsored by Spacebridge is now available Featuring:

Winds of Change in the Asia-Pacific Market by Blaine Curcio

Executive Roundtable on the Latin American Satellite Broadband Market by Bernardo Schneiderman

Is Hosting EO Gateways a Good Business by Robert Bell
Celebrating Satellite’s Quarter Century Past: Protecting the Space Century Ahead  by Martin Jarrold
Better Satellite World Series: How Space Saves Lives
PLUS Products and Services Mergers and Acquisitions, Executive Moves, Market Briefs, Vital Statistics and many more. Click here to read or download the file

The June 2022 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine focusing on the Asia-Pacific market sponsored by Comtech is now available Featuring:

A Rising Chinese Space Sector: Expectations vs. Reality by Blaine Curcio

Innovations in Satellite Technology by Elisabeth Tweedie

Securing Spectrum Authorization by Rotoiti International

PLUS Products and Services MarketPlace Guide to Satellite Asia 2022, Singapore, Mergers and Acquisitions, Executive Moves, Market Briefs, Vital Statistics and many more. Click here to read or download the file

The May 2022 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine sponsored by Spacebridge is now available Featuring:

The Impact of the War in Ukraine on the Satellite Industry by Elisabeth Tweedie

PLUS Products and Services MarketPlace Guide to CABSAT 2022, Mergers and Acquisitions, Executive Moves, Market Briefs, Vital Statistics 

The April 2022 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine focusing on the Broadcast market sponsored by iKOMG is now available Featuring:

The Broadcast Market for Satellite Services  by Elisabeth Tweedie

PLUS Mergers and Acquisitions, Executive Moves, Market Briefs, Vital Statistics, Satellite Market 20 Stock Index and many more. Click here to read or download the file

The March 2022 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine sponsored by Comtech is now available Featuring:

SPACs: Game Changer or Passing Fad?  by Elisabeth Tweedie

PLUS Mergers and Acquisitions, Executive Moves, Market Briefs, Vital Statistics and many more. Click here to read or download the file

The January-February 2022 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine  is now available Featuring:

Industry Trends to Watch in 2022  by Virgil Labrador

Risks and Benefits of Venture Capital for Space Firms by Rotoiti Consulting

Show Report: World Satellite Business Week by Elisabeth Tweedie

Regulatory Imperatives in the Disaster Response Ecosystem​  by Martin Jarrold

Satellites and Climate: "Embalm, Cremate, Bury at Sea..." by Lou Zacharilla

PLUS Mergers and Acquisitions, Executive Moves, Market Briefs, Vital Statistics, Satellite Markets Stock Index and many more. Click here to read or download the file

2021 issues

The December 2021 Year in Review issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing

The November 2021 issue of  the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine focusing on the African Satellite Market sponsored by iKO Media Group is now available Featuring:

Update on the African Satellite Market by Omkar Nikam

Satellite Data Analytics Market by Prateek Yadav

Dead Ringers by Lou Zacharilla

Ground Segment:  All Change for a new Satcoms Era by Martin Jarrold

Better Satellite World: Satellites by the Dozen

PLUS Products Spotlight, Mergers and Acquisitions, Executive Moves, Market Briefs, Vital Statistics, Satellite Markets Stock Index and many more. Click here to read or download the file

The October 2021 issue of  the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine sponsored by iKO Media Group is now available Featuring:

The Satellite Industry in Transition by Elisabeth Tweedie

SNG and Flyaway Antennas for the Broadcast Market by Bernardo Schneiderman

Satellite Earth Observation Market by Prateek Yadav

Clouds on the Ground by Robert Bell

A National Space Strategy for the UK by Martin Jarrold

Company Spotlight: iKO Media Group

Featured Event: CABSAT 2021

PLUS Products and Services Spotlight @CABSAT 2021, Mergers and Acquisitions, Executive Moves, Market Briefs, Vital Statistics, Satellite Markets Stock Index and many more. Click here to read or download the file


The September 2021 issue of  the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine  is now available Featuring:

The Satellite Industry in a Post-Pandemic World by Virgil Labrador

The Military Satellite Market by Omkar Nikam

TechBrief: Reliable Battlefield Network Automation by Juan Manuel Martinez

Prospects in the Satellite Data Services Market by Lalit Katare

Interview with Cynthia Harty, Vice-President-Strategic Business Development, ST Engineering iDirect

Company Spotlight: AVEALTO's High Altitude Platform

Show Report: Space Symposium 2021

National Harbor Your Way: In-person or Virtual by Martin Jarrold

PLUS Products and Services Spotlight @SATELLITE 2021, Mergers and Acquisitions, Executive Moves, Market Briefs, Vital Statistics, Satellite Markets Stock Index and many more. Click here to read or download the file


The July-August  2021 issue of  the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine focusing on the Asia-Pacific Satellite Market is now available Featuring:

The Asia-Pacific Satellite Market by Omkar Nikam

The Satcom Industry in China: Accelerating to 'China Speed' by Blaine Curcio

Executive Roundtable on Satellites and 5G

"I Think You are on Mute"  by Lou Zacharilla

The Road to National Harbor by Martin Jarrold

PLUS Products and Services Spotlight, Mergers and Acquisitions, Executive Moves, Market Briefs, Vital Statistics, Satellite Markets Stock Index and many more. Click here to read or download the file


The June 2021 issue of  the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine focusing on New Space Services is now available Featuring:

The State of the Art in On-Orbit Services  by Elisabeth Tweedie

Microsatellite and Nanosatellite Markets by Mayank Halmare

Better Satellite World: A Promise Kept

Coming Out of the COVID Tunnel by Robert Bell

It's Singapore Virtually by Martin Jarrold

PLUS Products and Services Spotlight, Mergers and Acquisitions, Executive Moves, Market Briefs, Vital Statistics, Satellite Markets Stock Index and many more. Click here to read or download the file


The May2021 issue of  the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine focusing on the Middle East and Africa Satellite  Market is now available Featuring:

Middle East and Africa Satellite Market  by Omkar Nikam

From Smart Cities and Connected Vehicles: Commerical Satellite Imaging Augment It All by Himanshu Joshi

TECHBrief: Cloud-based Systems: A Key for Successful Satellite Service Delivery by Alvaro Sanchez

Better Satellite World: Is There a Satellite Inside? 

A Way You'll Never Be  by Lou Zacharilla

Let's Zoom Again by Martin Jarrold

PLUS Products and Services Spotlight, Mergers and Acquisitions, Executive Moves, Market Briefs, Vital Statistics, Satellite Markets Stock Index and many more. Click here to read or download the file


The April 2021 issue of  the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine focusing on the Non-GEO Satelllite Market is now available Featuring:

Is 2021 the Year Smallsat IoT Takes Off?  by Hub Hurlings

Prospects in the Cubesat Market by Mayank Halmare

Space Tourism: Fueling Commercial Demand Across Space Market Verticals by Omkar Nikam

Executive Spotlight: Bart Van Poucke, VP-Product Management, ST Engineering iDirect

TECHBrief: Retrofiting ACU 7200 with sat-nms ACU2-19V2 by Michael Ulbricht

Company Spotlight: Mission Microwave Continues Growth and Moves into a New State-of-the-Art Facilty

In the Land of Virtual by Robert Bell

10,000 Viewers and Counting: Dubai, Singapore and DC Calling by Martin Jarrold

PLUS Product and Services Spotlight, Mergers and Acquisitions, Executive Moves, Market Briefs, Vital Statistics, Satellite Markets Stock Index and many more. Click here to read or download the file


The March 2021 issue of  the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine focusing on the Ground Segment market sponsored by Comtech EF Data is now available Featuring:

Trends in the Satellite Comms on the Move Market by Bernardo Schneiderman

Executive Roundtable on the Comms on the Move Market

Executive Spotlight: Lou Dubin, SVP-Product Management, Comtech EF Data

The UK Space Industry at a Crucial Crossroad by Elisabeth Tweedie

In These 'Uncertain Times' a Little Satellite Goes a Long Way  Lou Zacharilla

The Terminal User Exerience Paradigm SWaP by Martin Jarrold

Case Study: Collaboration and Cooperation in Satellite Services by Pratik Kirve

PLUS Product and Services Spotlight, Mergers and Acquisitions, Executive Moves, Market Briefs, Vital Statistics, Satellite Markets Stock Index and many more. Click here to read or download the file


The January-February 2021 issue of  the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine sponsored by The SpaceConnection is now available Featuring:

Key Trends to Watch in 2021 by Virgil Labrador, Editor-in-Chief

Space Debris: A Worsening Problem by Omkar Nikam

Satellite Data Market in a Post-COVID World by Mayank Halmare

Will 5G Finally Marry Satellite and Cellular? by Robert Bell

Today's Greater Imperative: The Power of Satellite's Ubiquity by Martin Jarrold

Case Study: Bridging the Digital Divide in Africa with Satmotion and Alusat

PLUS Product and Services Spotlight, Mergers and Acquisitions, Executive Moves, Market Briefs, Vital Statistics, Satellite Markets Stock Index and many more. Click here to read or download the file



December 2020

November 2020

The November 2020 issue of  the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine focusing on the Military Satellite Market sponsored by Comtech EF Data is now available Featuring:

The Military Satellite Market by Virgil Labrador

Executive Roundtable on Internet of Things via Satellite by Bernardo Schneiderman

Case Study: Building a Defense VSAT Network for the Egyptian MoD

TechBrief: Steering Sub-Saharan Communities to a Digital, Connected Future

Executive Spotlight:  Ali  Al-Kuwari, CEO-Es’hailSat

When the Future Depends on Being Flat by Robert Bell

Virtual CABSAT 2020 in GVF's Cyberspace... by Martin Jarrold

Better Satellite World Series: Where's My Stuff

PLUS Product and Services Spotlight, Mergers and Acquisitions, Executive Moves, Market Briefs, Vital Statistics, and many more. Click here to read or download the file

October 2020

The October 2020 issue of  the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine focusing on  Satellite Mobility Market sponsored by Advantech Wireless is now available Featuring:

Whither the Satellite Mobility Market? by Virgil Labrador

Case Study: Managing an Outside Broadcast Fleet

Challenges for LEO HTS Megaconstelllations: Terrestrial Networks Integration  by Muhammad Furqan and Waheeb Butt

Executive Spotlight: Hans Massart, Head-Broadcast and Media, ST Engineering iDirect

Leaning Into Risk by Lou Zacharilla

Digitization, "Actionable Intelligence" and a Global Digital Ecosystem by Martin Jarrold

Company Spotlight: Revgo Global

PLUS Product and Services Spotlight, Mergers and Acquisitions, Executive Moves, Market Briefs, Vital Statistics, Satellite Markets 20 Stock Index and many more. Click here to read or download the file

September 2020

The September 2020 issue of  the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine focusing on Asian Satellite Market sponsored by Gazprom Space Systems is now available Featuring:

The Indian Satellite Market by Omkar Nikam

Executive Spotlight with Jay Gullish, US-India Business Council

Challenges for LEO HTS Megaconstelllations by Muhammad Furqan and Zoe Shahid

The Roots of Quality of Service in Teleport Operations by Robert Bell

Proactive Mitigation of Satellite Interference by Alvaro Sanchez

69 Countries and Counting... by Martin Jarrold

Better Satellite World Series: Overcoming the Digital Drought

PLUS Product and Services Spotlight, Mergers and Acquisitions, Executive Moves, Market Briefs, Vital Statistics, Satellite Markets 20 Stock Index and many more. Click here to read or download the file

July-August 2020

The July-August 2020 issue of  the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine focusing on Satellite Network Managment sponsored by Spacebrige is now available Featuring:

Satellite Network Management by Virgil Labrador

Satellites, Public Health and the End of the Non-Stick Fry Pan by Lou Zacharilla

The New Webminar Epoch? by Martin Jarrold

Better Satellite World Series: Making the Siberian Connection

PLUS Product and Services Spotlight, Mergers and Acquisitions, Executive Moves, Market Briefs, Vital Statistics, Satellite Markets 20 Stock Index and many more. Click here to read or download the file

June 2020

The June 2020 issue of  the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine focusing on the Asia-Pacific Satelltie Market sponsored by Comtech EF Data   Click here to read or download the file Featuring:

China's Space Industry in the Time of COVID-19 by Blaine Curcio

Update on the Japanese Satellite Market by Naoakira Kamiya

Executive Spotlight: Semir Hassanaly, Head of Cellular Backhaul and Trunking, ST Engineering iDirect

Will Satellite-Delivered TV Go the Way of the Dinosaurs? by Robert Bell

Capacity Building with Satellite for Disaster Response by Martin Jarrold

Better Satellite World Series: Keeping the Lights On

May 2020

The May 2020 issue of  the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine sponosred by the The Spaceconnection.   Click here to read or download the file  Featuring:

Vertical Markets for Satellite IoT by Hub Urlings, Herbie Rijndorp and Marco Franken

Business Agility Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic by Hari Abburi

Satellite Companies' Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic 

The Satellite Ecosystem and COVID-19  by Martin Jarrold

Better Satellite World Series: In Search of the World's Missing Girls

Zoom This  by Lou Zacharilla

April 2020

The April 2020 issue of  the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine sponsored by The SpaceconnectionClick here to read or download the file Featuring:

The Satellite Industry in the Time of COVID-19 by Virgil Labrador

A Truncated Satellite 2020 Portends of Turbulent Times for the Satellite Industry by Elisabeth Tweedie

Prospects in the OTT via Satellite Market by Omkar Nikam

Trends in the Satellite Industry: A User's Perspective by Krasimir Terziev

Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic  by Martin Jarrold

Better Satellite World Series: When Disaster Strikes

Will Connecting with LEO and MEO be a Viable Business?  by Robert Bell

March 2020

The March 2020 issue of  the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine sponsored by Spacebridge.   Click here to read or download the issue Featuring:

New Space Trends  by Omkar Nikam

AXESS Networks: A Merger with a Lot of Synergy by Virgil Labrador

Interview with Guido Neumann, Chief Development Officer and President EMEA, AXESS Networks

Antennas for Comms on the Move Applications by Bernardo Schneiderman

The Next Decade in Space Innovation by Stuart Daughtridge

The Importance of Link Budgets by Alvaro Sanchez

Work Microwave: A Diversified Portfolio for Changing Market Demands

Amphinicy Technologies: Building on its Strengths and Engineering Expertise

Executive Spotlight: Mitja Lovsin, General Manager, STN

Satellite Operators' Minimum Antenna Requirements  by Martin Jarrold

Before there was Nomophobia, there was the Teleport Awards  by Lou Zacharilla

January-February 2020

The January-February 2020 issue of  the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine sponsored by SpacebridgeClick here to read or download the file Featuring:

Trends to Watch in the New Decade by Virgil Labrador

The Most Significant Satellite Stories of 2019  by Elisabeth Tweedie

2019: The Year in China's Space Industry by Blaine Curcio

The Maritime Satellite Market by Bernardo Schneiderman

Satellites and the Cloud: A 20:20 View  by Martin Jarrold

Is Big Data a Big Deal for Teleports? by Robert Bell

Show Report: InterBee 2019 by Naoakira Kamiya



The November-December 2019 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The November issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine focusing on the African Satellite Market sponsored by Comtech EF Data  Click here to read or download the issue

The October 2019 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The October issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine focusing on the European Broadcast Market sponsored by Spacebridge  Click here to read or download the issue

The September 2019 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The September issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine focusing on the European Broadcast Market sponsored by Gazprom Space Systems Click here to read or download the issue

The July-August 2019 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The July-August 2019 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine sponsored by Advantech Wireless Click here to read or download the issue

The June 2019 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The June 2019 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine  focsing on the Asia-Pacific Satelite Market sponsored by Spacebridge Click here to read or download the issue

The May Africa edition of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The May 2019 Africa edition of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine  sponsored by Amos Spacecom   Click here to read or download the issue

The May 2019 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The May 2019 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine  sponsored by Comtech EF Data   Click here to read or download the issue

The April 2019 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine focusing on the Broadcast Satellite Market

The April 2019 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine focusing on the Middle East satellite market sponsored by The Spaceconnection   Click here to read or download the issue

The March 2019 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine focusing on the Middle East Satellite Market

The March 2019 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine focusing on the Middle East satellite market sponsored by Newtec   Click here to read or download the issue

The January-February 2019 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The January 2019 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine focusing on the Satellite Ground Segment sponsored by The Spaceconnection.  Click here to read or download the issue



The December 2018 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The December 2018 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine focusing on a Year-end Review of the Top Stories of 2018 and Trends to Watch in 2019 sponsored by The Spaceconnection.  Click here to read or download the issue

The November 2018 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The November 2018 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine focusing on the African Satellite Market sponsored by Comtech EF Data.  Click here to read or download the issue

The October 2018 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The October 2018 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine sponsored by Gazprom Space Systems.  Click here to read or download the issue

The September 2018 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The September 2018 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine  focusing on the European Satellite Market sponsored by Gazprom Space Systems.  Click here to read or download the issue

The July-August 2018 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The July-August 2018 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine sponsored by Advantech Technologies Inc.  Click here to read or download the issue

The June 2018 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The June 2018 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine sponsored by Comtech EF Data.  Click here to read or download the issue

The May 2018 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The May 2018 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine sponsored by Amos Spacecom.  Click here to read or download the issue

The April 2018 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The April 2018 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine sponsored by The Spaceconnection.  Click here to read or download the issue

The March 2018 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The March 2018 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine sponsored by Newtec.  Click here to read or download the issue

The January-February 2018 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The January-February 2018 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine sponsored by Work Microwave.  Click here to read or download the issue



The November-December 2017 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The November-December 2017 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine sponsored by Amos Spacecom.  Click here to read or download the issue

The October 2017 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The October 2017 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine focusing on the European Broadcast market sponsored by Advantech Wireless.  Click here to read or download the issue

The September 2017 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The September 2017 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine focusing on the European Broadcast market sponsored by Gazprom Space Systems.  Click here to read or download the issue

The July-August  2017 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The June 2017 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine sponsored by Amos Spacecom.  Click here to read or download the issue

The May-June  2017 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The May 2017 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine sponsored by Comtech EF Data.  Click here to read or download the issue

The April 2017 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The April 2017 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine sponsored by The Spaceconnection.  Click here to read or download the issue

The March 2017 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The March 2017 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine sponsored by Newtec.  Click here to read or download the issue

The January-February 2017 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The January-February 2017 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine sponsored by Comtech EF Data.  Click here to read or download the issue



The November-December 2016 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The November-December 2016  issue of  the  Satellite Executive Briefing magazine  sponsored by The Spaceconnection.  Click here to read or download the issue

The September-October 2016 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The September-October 2016  issue of  the  Satellite Executive Briefing magazine  sponsored by Gazprom Space Systems.  Click here to read or download the issue

The July-August 2016 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The July-August 2016 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine sponsored by Amos Spacecom.  Click here to read or download the issue

The May-June 2016 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The May-June 2016 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine sponsored by Comtech EF Data.  Click here to read or download the issue

The April 2016 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The April 2016 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine sponsored by The Spaceconnection.  Click here to read or download the issue

The March 2016 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The March 2016 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine sponsored by Newtec.  Click here to read or download the issue

The January-February 2016 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The January-February 2016 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine sponsored by Comtech EF Data.  Click here to read or download the issue



The November-December 2015 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The November-December 2015 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine sponsored by ABS.  Click here to read or download the issue.

The October 2015 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The October 2015 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine focusing on the African Satellite Market sponsored by Amos Spacecom.  Click here to read or download the issue.

The September 2015 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The September 2015 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine focusing on the European Satellite Market sponsored by Gazprom Space Systems.  Click here to read or download the issue.

The July-August 2015 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The July-August 2015 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine focusing on the Latin American Satellite Market sponsored by ABS Click here to read or download the issue.

The June 2015 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The June 2015  issue of  the  Satellite Executive Briefing magazine sponsored by Comtech EF Data.  To read or download the issue click here.

The May 2015 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The May 2015 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine sponsored by Amos Spacecom Click here to read or download the issue.

The April 2015 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The April 2015 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine sponsored by The SpaceconnectionClick here to read or download the issue.

The March 2015 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The March 2015 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine sponsored by NewtecClick here to read or download the issue.

The February 2015 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The February 2015 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine sponsored by COMTECH EF DATAClick here to read or download the issue.

The January 2015 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The January 2015 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine sponsored by COMTECH EF DATAClick here to read or download the issue.



The December 2014 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The December 2014 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine sponsored by The SpaceConnectionClick here to read or download the issue.

The November 2014 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The November 2014 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine sponsored by ABSClick here to read or download the issue.

The October 2014 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The October 2014 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine sponsored by ABSClick here to read or download the issue.

The September 2014 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The September 2014 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine sponsored by Gazprom Space SystemsClick here to read or download the issue.

The July-August 2014 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The July-August 2014 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine focusing on 4K TV sponsored by HispamarClick here to read or download the issue.

The June 2014 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The June 2014 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine focusing on the Asia-Pacific Satellite market  sponsored by Amos Spacecom.  Click here to read or download the issue.

The May 2014 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The May 2014 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine focusing on the African Satellite market  sponsored by Amos Spacecom.  Click here to read or download the issue.

The April 2014 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The April 2014 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine focusing on the Satellite Briadcast market  sponsored by ABS.  Click here to read or download the issue.

The March 2014 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The March 2014 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine focusing on the Satellite Briadcast market  sponsored by Newtec.  Click here to read or download the issue.

The February 2014 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The February 2014 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine sponsored by The SpaceConnectionClick here to read or download the issue.

The January 2014 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The January 2014 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine sponsored by The SpaceConnectionClick here to read or download the issue.