GS Group Shares Key Factors in Successfully Doing business in Southeast Asia

Ekaterinberg, Russia,  July 18, 2014--GS Group shared insights on how to successfully conduct business in Southeast Asian markets at a  round table on  "Modern Industrial and Technology Policies in Asia: challenges and opportunities for Russia” organized by the Center for Strategic Research “North-West.” Sharaf Kochkarov Representative for foreign relations, Foreign Broadcasting Projects Department, GS Group, unveiled the successful experience of GS Group entering pay-TV market of the Southeast Asia and establishing broadcasting projects there.

The round table gathered industry experts from Southeast Asia, officials from China, Indonesia, South Korea, India, as well as Russian high authorities from The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. All the participants took an active part in the event and were engaged in a heated discussion on the perspectives of the Asian markets for Russia.

GS Group stood out among the Russian businesses presented at the conference as it is the only Russian private company investing in the development of overseas broadcasting projects based on its own technologies. Having considerable expertise in the launching and management of national digital broadcasting projects, GS Group is successfully implementing projects around the world. GS Group share its experience with the One TV project, which is the first nationwide broadcasting operator in Cambodia.

Sharaf Kochkarov shared the key success factors. Among them: 

  • The local market expertise and comprehensive assistance from the partner; ·         
  • Betting on a developing country: the transition to digital format having already occurred or being about to occur in developed countries;
  • ·Implementation of the newest technologies in the field of digital television, as well as GS Group advanced  management;
  •  Smart balance of the international expertise and the local mentality when choosing a business model.

In just two years One TV became the first nationwide broadcasting operator in the country, reaching the most extensive coverage. Over 150 jobs for the local specialists were created. Besides that, One TV implemented the first in Cambodian pay TV market loyalty program for customers, introducing microfinancing through one of the largest national bank in the country – Acleda Bank.

GS Group is simultaneously developing several broadcasting projects. When choosing a country to enter the holding experts take into account primarily the following factors:

·         Sufficient number of population;

·         Moderate level of TV penetration;

·         Purchasing power of the population;

·         Undeveloped commercial television sector in the country;

·         Possibility to withdraw the dividends;

·        Legislative restrictions on foreign participation in the television sector.

The digitization of television in Indonesia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Myanmar and other countries is in GS Group upcoming plans. Projects are now under development at the different degrees of completion.

GS Group is an investment and industry holding company, operating on the basis of its own high technologies in telecommunications and innovations. Russian headquarters of the holding are located in St. Petersburg; the international office is in Zug, Switzerland.  Among its key activities include: implementation of international broadcasting projects, nanomaterials and microelectronics R&D and mass-production; construction and development of Technopolis GS innovation cluster; deep wood processing; investment in venture projects; media content production and management; software products design and integration; full-service advertisement; logistics and trade.