Market Trends

Hot Telecom Releases Global Telecom Market Status and Forecast 2010-2015

St. Laurent, Quebec, Canada,  September 7, 2011--Research firm Hot Telecom announced the publication of the 5th release of the 'Global Telecom Market Status and Forecast' report.  The 83-page report reviews the world telecom market, its trends and drivers, and includes brand new current analysis and 5-year projections of revenues, number of subscribers, penetration, growth, region-by-region for the fixed, mobile, Internet and broadband sectors.

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Ericsson Presents TV & Video Consumer Trend Report 2011

Stockholm, Sweden, September 5, 2011--Ericsson ConsumerLab has released the results of its annual study “TV & Video Consumer Trend Report 2011,” showing that people are spending slightly less time watching scheduled broadcast TV, and that they are spending more time watching streamed on-demand TV online. More than 44 (38) percent of the respondents reported watching internet-based on-demand TV more than once per week, while about 80 percent watch broadcast TV more than once per week.

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IP Set Top Box Shipments to Increase Over 1 Million in 2011

Scottsdale, Ariz., September 1, 2011--Worldwide set top box revenue, as a whole, will decline slightly in 2011 over 2010, with Latin America and Middle East/Africa the only regions showing any increase in shipments. However, despite the general maturation of the market, IP set top box shipments are forecast to increase by over 1 million units in 2011 according to In-Stat.

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3D-Enabled TV Sets to Grow 500% Worldwide in 2011

Dublin, Ireland, August 31, 2011-- 3D content providers do not need to worry about consumers being unable to view their 3D content. With a large increase in the number of TV sets with a 3D feature coming to market in 2011, TV set manufacturers will make it difficult not to buy a 3D-enabled set in the coming years.  A new Research and Markets study projects that the 3D TV Set Market will grow 500% in 2011.

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50% of Tablet Owners View Both Feature-Length Movies and TV Shows on their Device

Scottsdale, Ariz., August 30, 2011--Online digital video distribution now allows consumers to access more content, on more devices, and in more places, than ever before. This increase in access has made content more ubiquitous than ever, but availability is only a part of the story. Equally important is how, and on what devices consumers are accessing this content, and the increasing role of mobile devices for video consumption, according to research firn In-Stat.

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50% more Satellites to be Launched in the Decade Ahead

Government demand continues to drive the market, but remains concentrated in a handful of countries

Paris, August 25, 2011 – Euroconsult, forecast today that an estimated 1,145 satellites will be built for launch during the next ten years (2011-2020), 51% more satellites than the previous decade. These projections come from Euroconsult’s just-released “Satellites to be Built & Launched by 2020, World Market Survey.” According to the report, now in its 14th edition, revenues from the manufacture and launch of these 1,145 satellites will be worth $196 billion worldwide, of which 70% can be attributed to government demand.

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STL Releases UK TV Report

London, August 23, 2011--Research firm STL  just released a new report on the UK TV market entitled: "Connected TV: Forecasts and Winners/Losers." While it is difficult to generalise with TV markets across the globe as the markets are fundamentally different in structure, especially with key variables such as PayTV penetration, state broadcaster involvement and fast broadband penetration varying widely, the comprehensive range of players and highly competitive nature of the UK market makes it a useful benchmark for many key global trends, according to the report.

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3D Mobile Devices Will Surpass 148 Million in 2015

Scottsdale, Ariz., August 16, 2011 - The implementation of 3D on mobile devices is still in its infancy and requires a much more advanced technical solution for both viewing 3D and capturing 3D. However, the tremendous size of the mobile market is driving the industry to overcome some of the current limitations. 3D displays are still evolving, while image sensors are benefiting from a TAM that is likely to triple by 2015, and the processing solutions are already on a roadmap that will support the increasing demands of 3D. New research from In-Stat  forecasts that the total number of 3D mobile devices will surpass 148 million units in 2015.

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Number of UK Quad Play Homes Will Triple by 2016

London, UK, August 10, 2011 – Slightly fewer than half of UK households today are “multiplay,” meaning that they take more than one entertainment or communication service from the same provider. A new report by analyst firm Strategy Analytics says that this number will grow to 67 percent by 2016. While most bundles today are “double play,” comprising two services, “triple” and “quad play” bundles will become increasingly popular over the next five years.

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Over-the-Top (OTT) and On-Demand Services are Changing the Face of Pay-TV

London, August 5, 2011--The personal entertainment experience has embarked on a significant shift now that on-demand delivery of video is widely available worldwide and to an increasing number of connected devices. IMS Research forecasts that in 2016, over-the-top (OTT) video services will generate $16.4 billion in 2016 and video-on-demand (VOD) services from pay-TV operators will generate another $14.7 billion, for a combined $31.1 billion in on-demand revenues.

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