The IMS Research study The Worldwide Market for High-Definition TV Equipment & Services – 2008 Edition estimates that 45 million households worldwide received HDTV service via DTH, cable, IPTV and DTT at the end of 2007 with approximately the same number of HDTV sets shipping during the year. IMS Research forecasts that 255 million TV households worldwide will be watching HDTV by the end of 2013, including video households viewing only pre-recorded non-broadcast programs.
LONDON, May. 8, 2008-- While the European Mobile TV market is on the verge of significant growth, it still faces problems related to the efficient transmission and distribution of Mobile TV services. This being the case, recent and emerging studies have clearly shown the use of satellite technologies for Mobile TV services to be a sensible and cost-effective solution. Hence, the use of satellite services can be expected to significantly aid the sustainable growth in spread, quality and reliability of mobile TV service offerings.
LONDON, May. 9, 2008--In the wake of personal navigation devices' success, cellular carriers have started to offer on-board and off-board navigation solutions, as well as a range of LBS (Location Based Services) such as friend finder and local search on GPS handsets. Community and social-networking-related functionality, such as the sharing of POIs (Points of Interest) and geo-tagged pictures, is also becoming popular and is expected to boost GPS-enabled handset uptake as carriers, handsets manufacturers, and service providers look to capitalize on the LBS trend.
According to the European Commission's 13th Progress Report on the Single Telecoms Market, there are eight European countries that are currently ahead of the United States when it comes to broadband deployment. Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands and Sweden are world leaders in broadband deployment with penetration rates over 30%, according to the study. The four countries, alongside the United Kingdom, Belgium, Luxembourg and France -- all have better penetration rates than the U.S. (22.1%). DSL accounts for 80% of all lines in studied EU countries.
By Bruce Elbert, President, Application Technology Strategy, Inc.
Markets for satellite communications equipment and services have expanded to fill the gaps in terrestrial broadcasting and telecommunications networks. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the Middle East, which is the focus of this article. Comprising this picture are satellite operators, such as Arabsat and Nilesat; teleport operators in particular countries such as Dubai, Egypt and Jordan; and service providers who utilize these facilities to deliver applications to their Middle Eastern customers. An example of the latter would be companies that provide Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) services in a two way satellite communications format that use a particularly small dish (70 cm to 1.2 m) to transmit low bandwidth data such as credit card transactions and provide medium data rate Internet services. Satellite TV is a very important service for the region as it occupies most of the available satellite transponders in the region.
Euroconsult’s recently published report “World Satellite Communications & Broadcasting Markets Survey, Market Forecasts to 2016,” finds that growth in the fixed satellite market continues at a healthy pace, driven largely by digital entertainment and, more specifically, emerging digital markets. Accelerated deployments of corporate networks, significant needs for military communications and the takeoff of broadband access also contributed to growth.