News Analysis

Pay-TV providers in Europe and Asia Testing New Roles as OTT Providers

Dallas, Texas, December 7, 2012--Low ARPUs, growing competitive threats, and rival multiscreen services are driving many pay-TV providers in Europe and Asia to explore new business strategies in video services, according to international research firm Parks Associates. TV Everywhere: Growth, Solutions, and Strategies - Europe and Asia/Pacific,a new report from Parks Associates, indicates multiscreen services now reach 66% of pay-TV subscribers in Western Europe, 21% in Eastern Europe, and 9% in Asia, compared to 90% in North America.

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The German Satellite Market

by Virgil Labrador, Editor-in-Chief

Los Angeles, Calif., December 6, 2012--Germany has one of the world's most technologically advanced telecommunications systems and is the largest telecom market in Europe. Because of intensive capital expenditures since reunification in 1990, the formerly backward system of the eastern part of the country, dating back to World War II, has been modernized and integrated with that of the western part.

World Teleport Association Publishes Top Operator Rankings for 2012

New York City, December 5, 2012--The World Teleport Association published its annual rankings for the Top Teleport Operators of 2012. The annual ranking provides a unique look into the diverse teleport sector of the global communications industry. For the second year in a row, the teleport operators reported their total spending on satellite capacity. The Top Independent Operators in 2012 spent $830 million on satellite capacity, which represented 40% on average of their annual revenues.

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The Year of the Spectrum

by Robert Bell

New York City, December 3, 2012--For better or worse – and mostly for better, I think –2012 has been the Year of Spectrum. We have seen a series of amazing announcements about step-changes in the number of megabits we can run through a given amount of satellite spectrum. 

Going 4K: Looking Beyond The Hype

London, UK, November 29, 2012--The opportunities for 4K technology - the next step forward in high resolution video - have been much hyped, particularly within the world of broadcast, though beyond digital cinema the appetite for 4K from end users remains limited.  Futuresource expects a number of broadcasters to launch 4K channels as early as 2014 in a webminar held November 28 addressing the realities and the commercial and technological drivers of 4K video technology.

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Europe Half-way to “Digital Heaven”

Point Topic study shows where broadband investment can drive growth

London, UK, November 27, 2012--One of the European Union’s most ambitious targets is to make sure that all its citizens can get access to superfast broadband at home, if they choose, by 2020. A new study by Point Topic shows Europe is now half-way towards achieving that aim.The study has been produced for DG Connect, the department of the European Commission which is responsible for its “Digital Agenda” strategy.

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Nigeria Leads West Africa in Internet Speed

Lagos, Nigeria, November 26, 2012--Nigeria's telecoms and IT sector has proven to have massive growth potential in the coming years; but the country must first overcome a number of key industry challenges before the sector can fulfil its potential. One of the largest challenges is the lack of reliable power supply to the region; however, deficiencies in ICT infrastructure must continue to be addressed. Software piracy remains evidently rampant within the country as per a recent study released; the commercial value of unlicensed software installed in 2011 represented an 82% rate of piracy, nearly double the global rate of 42%.

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Next Generation Systems: Now’s the Time

by Dan Freyer

Los Angeles, Calif., November 9, 2012-- Next generation high throughput satellites (HTS) and Ka-Band systems in production and coming into service are bringing massive increases in bandwidth to orbit.  Over twenty new HTS and Ka-band satellites are in construction, each carrying from 10 to 100 times the capacity of today’s conventional C–  and Ku-Band  systems.These next-gen and Ka-Band systems could dramatically alter the industry’s landscape. How will they impact satellite markets in the next two years, and what industry players stand to gain from their success?   

Ka-Band: What's All the Fuss About?

 by Elisabeth Tweedie

Los Angeles, Calif., November 8, 2012--Ka-Band is one of the most popular topics at industry conferences, and in trade newsletters and magazines.  What is all the fuss about?  Is Ka really the magic bullet for the satellite industry or are we in danger of once again drinking our own bath water and letting our enthusiasm for new technology override our common sense? 

The Game Change in Satellite Service Provision

by Martin Jarrold

London, UK,  November 7, 2012--Broadband is the hot topic around the world. Demand for spectrum never abates. Profound statements indeed! Over the years, satellite systems have responded to the increasing demand for more-and-more spectrum, at lower-and-lower cost, in order to facilitate expanded broadband access, by developing ever more efficient, powerful, and cost-effective space and ground segments.