HTS Roundtable Series Returns to London in December

London, UK, November 15, 2013 – The GVF-EMP Conference Partnership has announced additional details of the High Throughput Satellites 2013: The Game-Changer in Action – London Roundtable, which will take place at the Strand Palace Hotel on 5th & 6th December 2013. This event will deliver the third programme in the GVF-EMP Roundtable Series, offering a further timely and topical platform for industry and end-user dialogue just as the satellite operator community continues to bring more HTS capability to orbit and to the satellite broadband solutions market.

As well as being presented in association with Intelsat, Kymeta, Gilat Satellite Networks, Inmarsat, Comtech EF Data, and C-COM Satellite Systems, the Roundtable is supported by Northern Sky Research (NSR). Additionally, as at the above date, the following organisations are also scheduled as contributors to the Roundtable programme (in alphabetical order):

Access Partnership; Brightday Engineering; Cobham SATCOM; Definitive Direction; Ericsson; European Space Agency-ESTEC; Euroconsult; Everard Solutions; Hermes Datacomms; iDirect; MTN; Navarino UK; NetHope; Newtec; Norwegian Space Centre; O3b Networks; Sematron; SkyWare Technologies; Squire Sanders; Telenor.

Further organisations are presently identifying the positioning of their speakers in the programme, and are added to the line-up on a daily basis.

David Hartshorn, Secretary General of GVF, and Roundtable co-chair, commented “I strongly welcome the further development of the Roundtable Series, and the continuing commitment of the satellite industry to leverage both the London and Washington DC Roundtables as examples of opportunities to extend the broadband satellite industry supply chain dialogue with broadband solutions end-users.”

Conference topics will pertain to the massive growth opportunities for the market for satellite-based broadband solutions, including those arising from a host of new applications, and those increasingly delivered into new market sectors and into the communications on the move market, all of which are being enabled through the deployment of more-highly bandwidth efficient networks that use the advanced in-orbit technologies of HTS systems.

The London Roundtable programme will be presented as a series of individual sessions, as follows: Satellite Operator Roundtable; Fixed & Mobile Networking Applications & VARs Roundtable; User Verticals Roundtable; OEM Roundtable; Engineering Roundtable; Ground Infrastructure Roundtable; and, Regulatory & Licensing Roundtable.

These sessions will address a wide range of questions and issues – many of which will expand beyond the boundaries of particular, discrete, session headings noted above – such as:

How high is High Throughput? | How high can High Throughput go? | The HTS New Service Provision Paradigm | Is HTS another example of evolution in the satellite industry, or a game-changing revolution? | Is all High Throughput alike? | Are operators taking only the Kaband route to new services delivery, or is the development of multi­band servicestrategies part of the play? | Engineering the HTS Solution | Infrastructure Evolution: The Planning, Design, Deployment & Managing of HTS Terminals/Earth Stations | Is there a single, uniform, global geography & marketplace? | How are regional market variations being reflected inthe offerings which comprise regional operator initiatives? | Where are hybrid technology solutions to be positioned? | Antenna Technology Product Quality and Installation | Deploying the HTS Application & the VARs | What do the Users Need from HTS? | HTS-Enabled Terminals & User Expectations: Understanding Rain Fade Issues, and Device Portability.

Martin Jarrold, Chief of International Programme Development with GVF, who will act as another of the co-chairs of the The London Roundtable, added, “Such discussion will be premised on a dialogue which will have already set-out the importance of understanding what exactly characterises HTS in terms of – throughput; efficiency; spectrum; coverage; and, architecture.” He continued, “The programme will explore the new engineering challenges arising from the new HTS communications technologies and solutions, including new development opportunities in both space segment and a range of ground segment environments. From the orbital perspective, the programme will examine the current and future engineering of high throughput payloads in terms of maximising the potential of multiple spot-beam and frequency reuse architectures. From the ground segment perspective this session will look at infrastructure evolution, and the planning, design, deployment & managing of HTS terminals/earth stations, including antenna technology product quality and installation, HTS-enabled terminals and user expectations, understanding rain fade issues, and device portability.”

Paul Stahl, Managing Partner of EMP, added, “We are very pleased with the level of committed participation and support for this second London programme in the Roundtable Series, and at the moment are also happy still to have some leeway in the event schedule so that we are able to make available some further speaking slots for both HTS-based solution providers and end-user stakeholders.”

The websites for GVF-EMP conferences taking place up to end-February 2014, including the London HTS Roundtable, are as follows:

Oil & Gas Communications South East Asia:

Evolving the ‘Big Data’ Digital Oilfield for Offshore & Deep Water | 19th – 20th November

High Throughput Satellites 2013:

The Game-Changer in Action – The London Roundtable | 5th – 6th December

Connectivity 2014:

Air, Water, Surface & Rail | 11th – 12th February

These pages provide the very latest updated information on programme schedules and conference topics. For more information please contact the Series organisers’.  Their contact details are, with GVF, Martin Jarrold at, and with EMP, Paul Stahl at