4K TV Prospects Looking Good in the Next Three Years

Dunstable, UK, July 19, 2013--Latest research from Futuresource predicts that global 4KTV shipments will grow from just 62,000 units last year to 780,000 in 2013 and 22 million units in 2017. The reports adds that the local  4K content and increased consumer awareness will help boost sales from 2015 onwards.

Futuresource also expects most global TV brands to launch a range of 4KTVs by the end of this year, with North America seen as the leading market due a recovering economy and strong consumer demand for large screens.

"Our forecasts show emerging markets will grow by 6% this year, accounting for over 60% of worldwide TV volumes," says Simon Bryant, head of consumer electronics at Futuresource Consulting. "Meanwhile, developed markets continue to shrink as flat panels approach saturation point and market stimuli such as analogue switch off and government incentive schemes come to an end. However, the global picture remains encouraging, with 4% CAGR expected to 2017, when annual shipments will exceed 270 million units and emerging markets will account for 67%," he added.

"LCD TV panel manufacturers and premium TV brands have been looking for the next hot trigger to accelerate flat panel replacement. 3D in the home was an attempt to achieve this and it has yet to become the solid success that many had hoped for … 4K represents a more natural progression for the industry, but one that brings its own challenges, not least the intricacies of producing 4K panels at high yield rates and the complexities of delivering the bandwidth-hungry content,” said Bryant.

Futuresource also believes that compression improvements provided by the HEVC codec will help sway broadcasters in adopting 4K technology. Unlike 3D which requires cumbersome glasses to view, "4KTV significantly enhances the existing viewing experience," according to Adam Cox, Head of Broadcast Equipment at Futuresource.   "Its not a matter of if but when 4K becomes a reality for the broadcast world," he added.