Ooyala Releases Global Video Index for Q2 2013

Mountain View, Calif., September 17, 2013--The amount of online video we watch via our smartphones and tablets is set to double this year according to Ooyala's latest Global Video Index for the 2nd quarter 2013. Viewers using mobile phones are watching video content for longer with over half watching for 10 minutes or longer and one fifth watching for over an hour. Live streamed content is proving more popular than video on demand with almost double the viewing figures for second screen devices and 15 times the amount on desktops and laptops.

Ooyala acknowledge that the majority of television viewing still occurs via traditional methods but confirm that more of us are watching online video than ever. Of course, the boom in the take up of ever more affordable second screen devices plays a huge part in the growing viewing figures but so does the increased availability of premium, long-form content.This free report reveals how people today watch streaming video on different devices around the world. The Global Video Index also features useful tips to help content publishers make more money with online video.

Key findings include:

  • Mobile viewers spent more than half of their total viewing time watching content longer than 10 minutes. Larger, 4G-enabled phone screens make it easier than ever to watch premium content on pocket devices.
  • Live video drives engagement. Mobile audiences watch live video nearly twice as long as VOD
  • Prime time moves online. We measured video plays per hour and found that tablet video viewing peaks on Friday night.
  • PC viewers watched live video for an average of 41 minutes per play. Audiences watching live video on connected TVs tuned in for 45 minutes in Q2. Live ad insertion is a must for effective monetization.

Download the full report here