Arabsat Acquires Majority Stake in Hellas-Sat

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, February 7, 2013--Arabsat has signed an agreement with the Hellenic Telecommunication Organization (OTE;), one of the largest telecom groups in South Eastern Europe, for the acquisition of its 99.05% equity participation in Hellas-Sat Consortium Ltd.The share purchase agreement was signed upon an aggregate consideration of €208 million  (US$ 280 mil).

The purchase price represents 99.05%, of:

• An enterprise value of Hellas-Sat, amounting to €157 million, which corresponds to 7 times the EBITDA of Hellas Sat for 2012, and

• the cash held by Hellas-Sat on the date of completion of the transaction, estimated at €53.4 million (US$ 732.9 mil).

Hellas-Sat has the exclusive use of the orbital position of 39° East and all associated radiofrequencies from the Hellenic Republic (Greece) and the Republic of Cyprus. The company is the operator of the Hellas-Sat 2 satellite, one of the most powerful satellites with wide European coverage. Apart from Europe, the satellite Hellas-Sat 2 covers the Middle East and South Africa and has a portfolio of over 100 customers in 26 countries.

The transaction was conducted through Arabsat Cyprus Ltd., a 100% subsidiary of Arabsat, and is expected to be completed by Q2 2013 after all necessary procedures have been finalized and is subject to regulatory approval.

Khalid A. Balkheyour, the President & CEO of Arabsat commented: “This step outlines Arabsat’s determination to pursue its strategic plan to grow its resources in terms of expanding to new orbital slots and new frequency rights, and to enter new markets. In 2012, Arabsat has presented before the satellite industry its vision to move from regional to global and become one of the top 5 satellite operators in the world by the year 2020. This transaction, in addition to the new sixth satellite generation program encompassing the design, manufacturing and launch of three new satellites from now until 2016 proves that Arabsat is on the right track to achieve its vision.”

Balkheyour also noted: “Our commitment to sustain and grow the business in Greece and Cyprus will manifest itself through the rapid design, manufacturing and launch of the new satellite, HS-3, which we envision to be one of the largest satellites in Europe. This would enhance Hellas Sat’s competitive advantage at its hotspot at 39° East with more capacity for existing and future customers. I want also to thank our partners, The Hellenic Aerospace Industry (HAI), one of the current minority shareholders of Hellas-Sat, that will remains in the new shareholding structure of the company ”.

OTE is the largest telecommunications provider in the Greek market and, together with its subsidiaries, forms one of the leading telecom groups in South-eastern Europe. OTE is among the five largest listed companies, with respect to capitalization, in the Athens Stock Exchange and is also listed in the London (LSE) Stock Exchange. The OTE Group offers a full range of products and services, from broadband services, fixed and mobile telephony, to high-speed data communications and leased lines services.

Financial and legal advisors for the transaction was  led by Renaissance Capital and Generation Alfa and which included: Pamboridis LLC, DLA Piper and KPMG Greece.

Hellas-Sat was founded in 2001 and is the exclusive operator of the Greek and Cypriot satellite Hellas-Sat 2.  The company employs 65 engineers in Greece and Cyprus, and the satellite is fully controlled by TT&C stations in Greece and Cyprus. Hellas-Sat 2012 revenues amounted to €31 million (US$ 41.85 mil.).