New WTA Report Explores The Role Of “Teleports In A Gigabit World”

New York, NY, September 24, 2012-The World Teleport Association today released a new white paper, Teleports in a Gigabit World, exploring how the continuing evolution of the Ka-band market and the technology race for gigabit throughput in C- and Ku-band are most likely to affect service providers. Based on interviews with senior executives of teleport, satellite and media companies, the report examines threats and potential opportunities and offers advice on what service providers can do today to defend against the downside as well as seize the upside.

High throughput satellite (HTS), a term coined in 2007 by research firm NSR, has pretty much been synonymous with the Ka-band of frequencies. But innovations in modem technology and satellite architecture are taking HTS mainstream, with big implications for the delivery of services to customers in media, government, military, oil & gas, mining, maritime and other markets.

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