News Analysis

Satellite Companies' Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic

May 5, 2020--This month the Satellite Markets and Research asked executives of satellite companies from all over the world on what impact has the global COVID-19 pandemic has had on their business and what measures have they taken to respond to the crisis and how they see their companies emerging from all these.  The companies represent a cross-section of the various segments of the industry including manufacturers and service providers.  Here are their responses:

Zoom This!

by Lou Zacharilla

New York City, NY, May 4, 2020--They can call it what they want.  I call it “UNsocial distancing.” Let’s face it, living life online sucks.  It always has.  It always will.  I’m sorry.  I just like being with people.  I like schmoozing.  I like talking – about anything. I even can tolerate close talkers who spit a little – although not these days!  

Business Agility Lessons Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

by Hari Aburri

May 4, 2020--If there’s one thing the global business community has learned from the COVID-19 pandemic that continues to ebb, flow and unfold on the daily, wreaking having on bottom lines in every corner of the world in its wake, it’s the outright imperative for companies to be agile “from top to bottom.”  In fact, agility is rapidly establishing itself as “the great equalizer,” asserting its unbridled authority over which companies—from global conglomerates to mom and pops...and EVERYTHING in between—will survive another day. 

Heavy Data Clouds Over the Meteorological World Due to Satellite IoT

by Hub Urlings, Herbie Rijndorp and Marco Franken

Amsterdam, the Netherlands, May 4, 2020--Recent developments in IoT connectivity and the coming of ubiquitous global low cost IoT connectivity are bound to cause a major technology disruption in the meteorological  world.  



KVH Industries Reports 1st Quarter 2020 Results

Middletown, RI, May 1, 2020--KVH Industries reported Net loss from continuing operations in the first quarter of 2020 of  US$ 6.2 million, or $0.35 per share, compared to a net loss of $6.5 million, or $0.38 per share in the first quarter of 2019. •Non-GAAP net loss from continuing operations in the first quarter of 2020 was $4.3 million, or $0.25 per share, compared to $3.8 million, or $0.22 per share in the first quarter of 2019.

The Satellite Ecosystem and COVID-19

by Martin Jarrold

London, UK, Masy 1, 2020--In starting to draft this column it was impossible not to be affected by the news that the official global figure for Covid-19 fatalities was approaching 250,000. The zoonotic – interspecies – jump to humans and subsequent pandemic spread of the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) has badly impacted many of the world’s most advanced and richest countries, but the epidemiology tells us that the worst of the impact, on the less-developed world, is still to come.

In Search of the World's Missing Girls

New York City, NY, April 1, 2020-Millions of girls are missing. They are missing from school. They are missing from jobs. They are missing from the leadership of their communities and nations.




Infostellar Raises New Investment

Tokyo, Japan, May 1, 2020- Infostellar has raised a total of US$ 3.5 million in convertible bonds with existing investors Airbus Ventures and Sony Innovation Fund, while welcoming new investors Daiwa Energy Infrastructure, Mitsubishi UFJ Capital, and Mitsubishi UFJ Lease & Finance. As a result, the cumulative amount of funds raised now reaches USD 11.5 million.

Rocket Lab Closes Acquisition of Satellite Hardware Manufacturer Sinclair Interplanetary

Long Beach, Calif., May 1, 2020 – Rocket Lab has closed the transaction to acquire Sinclair Interplanetary, a leading provider of high-quality, flight-proven satellite hardware. Rocket Lab initially announced the execution of the agreement to acquire Sinclair Interplanetary on March 16, 2020 pending customary closing conditions and satisfying The Investment Canada Act review process. Terms of the approved deal were not disclosed.