World Teleport Association Names Randall Barney as Executive Director

New York City, March 5, 2025 – The World Teleport Association has appointed Randall Barney as Executive Director effective March 1, 2025. In his new role, he will have primary responsibility for the association’s programs, finances, membership growth and governance. He succeeds executive director Robert Bell, who will become a strategic advisor to the association along with his colleague, Director of Development Louis Zacharilla.
 Randall Barney_0.pngRandall joined WTA in 2006 as membership administrator after serving in administrative positions with other nonprofit associations. Under his leadership, WTA launched a streamlined teleport directory, global teleports map and WTA’s Executive Dialogue Series. Advancing to membership director, he expanded the association’s membership and took the lead role in growing WTA’s successful Teleport Certification program, which has certified more than 70 teleports around the world based on transparent, independently verified standards of quality in facilities, technology and operating procedures. He was appointed Deputy Executive Director in October 2024.

“My relationship with WTA, and that of Lou Zacharilla, goes back nearly 30 years,” said Robert Bell. “Over nearly 20 of those years, Randall has been a key member of the team, and he has developed into a dedicated and effective leader. As the teleport industry adapts to major change in the satellite communications market, he will ensure that WTA provides its members with the perspective, guidance and connections they need to succeed.”

The World Teleport Association ( has been helping its members aim higher since our founding in 1985. Today, WTA is the leading partner in growth for teleport operators, advocating for their commercial interests and promoting excellence in their business practices, technology and operations. The association publishes best-practice reports and presents webinars on technology changes and their business and market impacts. It also presents events and awards and provides global certification and assessment programs to validate excellence and drive improvement. Aiming higher creates opportunity. Aiming higher brings risk. WTA is dedicated to helping its members seize the opportunities and manage the risks to find the paths to growth in a massively changing market.