WTA Names Santander Teleport's Carlos Raba 2018 Teleport Executive of the Year

New York, NY, March 1, 2018–The World Teleport Association (WTA) today named Carlos Raba, Managing Director, Santander Teleport as the 2018 Teleport Executive of the Year. Mr. Raba will accept the award at the 2018 Teleport Awards Luncheon, on March 13th during the SATELLITE 2018 conference in Washington, DC. The Teleport Executive of the Year award is presented to an individual for demonstrated entrepreneurship, leadership and innovation in the development or operation of a teleport-based business.

“Santander Teleport may not be one of the global brand names," said executive director Robert Bell.  "That makes them typical of the teleport sector: established in a specific niche, entrepreneurial, delivering complex services and growing their business organically.  We salute Mr. Raba for his executive leadership in a fast-changing market.” 

Raba’s leadership and business skills have brought Santander Teleport steady growth since the company’s launch in 2010. Recently, the company has seen an extraordinary year in terms of revenue growth from both new and existing customers, and many new hires that have added an outstanding contribution to engineering teams and operations.

Santander Teleport is well known throughout the Cantabria region in Spain. Thanks to Mr. Raba’s continuous contribution to the business community, local media and administrations, our company is one of the most valued businesses in the region, having appeared in regional and national media on several occasions and having received a number of industry and institutional awards for its excellent contributions in the creation of high-value jobs and trusted businesses. In addition, Mr. Raba has promoted agreements with the local Telecom & RF College to improve skill training for the students and increase their job options upon finishing their degrees.
In addition to Mr. Raba, the list of Teleport Executive of the Year alumni includes Abel Avellan of Global Eagle, Pierre-Jean Beylier, CEO of SpeedCast, Avi Cohen, CEO of RR Media; Bill Tillson, Co-CEO of Encompass Digital Media; Adrian Ballintine, Founder and President of NewSat Ltd.; Jaime Dickinson, President of NewCom International; Doug Tutt, Chief Operating Officer and President of Global Energy Services, CapRock Communications; the late Kenneth Miller, President and Chief Operating Officer, Globecomm Systems; David Rivel, Founder & CEO, RRsat Global Communications Network; Nick Thompson, Managing Director, Arqiva Broadcast & Media; Brent J. Gale, Vice President of Satellite and Broadcast Operations, EchoStar; Norberto Alvarez Vitale, President, Teleport Internacional Buenos Aires; and Jorge Luis Villarreal Schutz, CEO of Elara Comunicaciones. Click here for a complete list.