Market Trends

In-Flight Connectivity Market Set to Double in Coming Decade

Paris, France, August 17, 2022Analysis by leading space consulting and market intelligence firm Euroconsult shows a 10% increase in the number of commercial aircraft connected to in-flight services compared to 2020, totalling 9,900 planes by the end of 2021. Within the next decade, the number of aircraft using such services is expected to double to more than 21,000.

The Airborne SATCOM market Projected to Reach US$ 7.3 billion by 2027

Dublin, Ireland, August  3, 2022--The airborne SATCOM market is estimated to be US$ 5.4 billion in 2022 and is projected to reach US$ 7.3 billion by 2027, at a CAGR of 6.5% from 2022 to 2027. Growth of this market can be attributed to increased adoption of SATCOM transceivers, Increasing aircraft deliveries and growing demand for customized SATCOM on the move solutions according to a new report by Research and Markets.

Asia Pacific Online Video Opportunity To Scale To US$73 Billion By 2027

Singapore, August 1, 2022--Analysis released by Media Partners Asia (MPA)  indicate that total Asia Pacific online video industry revenue will grow by 16% year-on-year in 2022 to reach US$49.2 billion, according to the new report Asia Pacific Online Video & Broadband Distribution 2022, published by MPA.

Euroconsult Predicts One ton of Smallsats to be Launched per day on Average Over the Next Decade

Paris, France, July 14, 2022--The latest update of “Prospects for the Small Satellite Market” was released this week by Euroconsult, forecasting further growth in the global supply and demand of government, commercial and academic satellites weighing up to 500 kg. The market intelligence report, now in its 8th edition, anticipates that about 18,500 smallsats will be launched over 2022-2031, representing about 365 tons per year, i.e., one ton per day to be launched on average over the next ten years. However, the smallsat market presents a growing number of challenges such as high inflation, limited market addressability, difficult profitability, oversupply risk and concentration of the market by a handful of established players.

‘Plotting the Route to a Greener Future’ Report Examines How Satcom-enabled Technologies Can Reduce the Aviation Industry’s Emissions

London, UK, July 14, 2022--The aviation industry is exploring a number of longer-term solutions to meet its commitment for net zero emissions by 2050, including a transition from fossil fuels. However, a new whitepaper by Inmarsat and award-winning aviation journalist Elan Head highlights that the number of practical, immediately-viable options is limited to only two: either simply reduce flying or optimize the efficiency of flight operations.

Maritime Users to Increase Satellite Constellations Spending by 16x

Cambridge, Mass. July 1, 2022 - NSR’s Maritime Satcom Markets, 10th Edition report finds Satellite Constellations from the likes of SES mPower, Starlink, OneWeb, Telesat Lightspeed, and more, poised to start a new era for maritime satellite connectivity. The revolution of low latency satellite constellations is underway, and their entrance into the Maritime market will have a profound impact on both uptake and revenue. 

NSR’s Global Satellite Manufacturing & Launch Report Projects US$ 633 Billion Market by 2031

Cambridge, Mass., June 21, 2022-- NSR’s Global Satellite Manufacturing and Launch Markets, 12th Edition sees global satellite manufacturing and launch market positioned to generate $633B through the next decade. Primarily driven by non-GEO constellations, 33,000+ satellites are projected to be manufactured and launched by 2031.  With over 150 satellite constellations in various phases of funding and development, this segment is critical to the revenue picture for manufacturing & launch markets.

New WTA Research Report: Pros and Cons of the LEO Gateway Business

New York City, NY, June 15, 2022--The  World Teleport Association (WTA) released its latest research report entitled "Pros and Cons of the LEO Gateway Business."  In this report, WTA examines how the explosive wave of growth in LEO constellations for broadband and Earth observation has given rise to unexpected demand for communication gateways around the world.


Study Assesses the Use of Several C-Band Sub-frequencies by Satellite Networks

Paris, France, June 2, 2022–A new report has explored the current and future supply and use of the extended C-Band, the planned C-Band and the 7025-7075 Mhz Band for satellite services (available in full on the Euroconsult website). It has considered for each band the uplink and downlink frequencies, including the frequency bands 3400-3700 and 6425-6725 MHz (‘extended C-band’), 4500-4800 and 6725-7025 MHz (‘planned C-band’) and 7025-7075 MHz.

A Rising Chinese Space Sector: Expectations vs Reality

by Blaine Curcio

Hong Kong, June 1, 2022--The rapid rise of China’s space sector has been well-documented over the past few years. With more than 200 commercial companies having been established since 2014, and with a robust civil space sector providing infrastructural support, the Chinese space industry is fast evolving into one of the world’s most comprehensively capable ones. Dozens of commercial launch startups, vertically integrated earth observation companies with IPO plans, and everything in-between: as is the case in so many industries, “Made in China” is likely to become a commonly heard phrase in the space sector.