Cambridge, Mass. July 1, 2022 - NSR’s Maritime Satcom Markets, 10th Edition report finds Satellite Constellations from the likes of SES mPower, Starlink, OneWeb, Telesat Lightspeed, and more, poised to start a new era for maritime satellite connectivity. The revolution of low latency satellite constellations is underway, and their entrance into the Maritime market will have a profound impact on both uptake and revenue.
Cambridge, Mass., June 21, 2022-- NSR’s Global Satellite Manufacturing and Launch Markets, 12th Edition sees global satellite manufacturing and launch market positioned to generate $633B through the next decade. Primarily driven by non-GEO constellations, 33,000+ satellites are projected to be manufactured and launched by 2031. With over 150 satellite constellations in various phases of funding and development, this segment is critical to the revenue picture for manufacturing & launch markets.
New York City, NY, June 15, 2022--The World Teleport Association (WTA) released its latest research report entitled "Pros and Cons of the LEO Gateway Business." In this report, WTA examines how the explosive wave of growth in LEO constellations for broadband and Earth observation has given rise to unexpected demand for communication gateways around the world.
Paris, France, June 2, 2022–A new report has explored the current and future supply and use of the extended C-Band, the planned C-Band and the 7025-7075 Mhz Band for satellite services (available in full on the Euroconsult website). It has considered for each band the uplink and downlink frequencies, including the frequency bands 3400-3700 and 6425-6725 MHz (‘extended C-band’), 4500-4800 and 6725-7025 MHz (‘planned C-band’) and 7025-7075 MHz.
Hong Kong, June 1, 2022--The rapid rise of China’s space sector has been well-documented over the past few years. With more than 200 commercial companies having been established since 2014, and with a robust civil space sector providing infrastructural support, the Chinese space industry is fast evolving into one of the world’s most comprehensively capable ones. Dozens of commercial launch startups, vertically integrated earth observation companies with IPO plans, and everything in-between: as is the case in so many industries, “Made in China” is likely to become a commonly heard phrase in the space sector.
Bambous, Mauritius, May 19, 2022--Although Asia Pacific is traditionally referred to as a mobile-driven region, the pandemic accelerated the importance taken by larger screens in the region, and 110 million additional pay TV subscriptions are expected to be observed in the next 5 years according to Dataxis.
Paris, France, May 18, 2022– A nascent but growing set of on-orbit space services, to be articulated as a space logistic ecosystem from launch to satellites’ end of life, are being developed by more than 50 companies. According to Euroconsult’s 1st edition of Space Logistic Markets report, this diverse set of on-orbit services is expected to generate US$ 4.4 billion by 2031.
London, UK, May 13, 2022--AVOD revenues for TV series and movies will reach US $70 billion in 2027, up from US$ 33 billion in 2021. 13 of the 138 countries covered will generate more than $1 billion in 2027, up from only five countries in 2021 according to Digital TV Research.
Cambridge, Mass., May 5, 2022--In its 10th year, NSR’s landmark Land Mobile via Satellite (LMvS10) report finds a significant revenue migration underway from narrowband to broadband applications. Though currently dominated by narrowband services, connected vehicles and High Throughput Satellite (HTS) Comms on the Pause (COTP) services are positioned as the fastest growing satellite land mobile sector markets through the decade.