News Analysis

NBN Co Appoints IPSTAR as Wholesaler for Australian Internet Service Providers

Nonthaburi, Thailand, July 29, 2014-- Thaicom today announced that the NBN Co has selected its wholly owned subsidiary, IPSTAR Australia (IPA), for a new initiative to boost the number of broadband connections for Australians who cannot access an existing commercial broadband service. Under the NBN Co Satellite Support (NSS) Scheme, IPA is appointed an official wholesaler and will deliver the scheme together with participating Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in Australia.

ABS Expands its Operations in Africa

Johannesburg, South Africa, July 24, 2014--ABS has expanded its presence in Johannesburg, South Africa and formed a new Sales liaison office to support its growing business in the Africa continent.

Ultra-High-Definition TVs Make Gains but Still Lack Market Penetration According to IHS

El Segundo, Calif. July 23, 2014—Ultra-high-definition televisions (UHD TVs) continued to make slow and steady inroads throughout the world, but their share of the overall flat-panel TV market remained minimal by the end of May, suggesting that UHD TV pricing in the market remains too high to gain meaningful share, according to a new report from IHS Technology.

GS Group Shares Key Factors in Successfully Doing business in Southeast Asia

Ekaterinberg, Russia,  July 18, 2014--GS Group shared insights on how to successfully conduct business in Southeast Asian markets at a  round table on  "Modern Industrial and Technology Policies in Asia: challenges and opportunities for Russia” organized by the Center for Strategic Research “North-West.” Sharaf Kochkarov Representative for foreign relations, Foreign Broadcasting Projects Department, GS Group, unveiled the successful experience of GS Group entering pay-TV market of the Southeast Asia and establishing broadcasting projects there.

ABS and ARABSAT Sign Multi-Transponder Agreement

Riyadh,Saudi Arabia, July 15, 2014--ABS and Arab Satellite Communication Organization (ARABSAT) announced today that they have signed a strategic commercial agreement for a multi-transponder lifetime Ku-band payload on the new ABS-3A satellite planned for launch in late 2014/ early2015.  This Ku-band payload deal will provide ARABSAT with additional growth opportunities to serve their customers over the Middle East and North Africa regions.

The July-August 2014 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The July-August 2014  issue focusing on 4K TV of  the  Satellite Executive Briefing magazine  sponsored by  Hispamar is now available.  Featuring:

4K TV is Here! by Jorge Rodriguez, Aurora Mourelle and Inés Sanz

Technical Tutorial on Earth Station Design Philosophy by Bruce Elbert

Finding and Fixing Application Peformance Problems by DC Palter

What Will Satellite Services Businesses Look Like Tomorrow? by Robert Bell

plus Case Study on Providing Cellular Services to Remote Communities,  Show Reports on the Space Symposium and CommunicAsia 2014News Analysis, Market Briefs, Executive Moves, Vital Statistics and Satellite Markets and Research 25TM Stock Index  and many more.  Click here to read or download the file

Government Funding for Space on the Road to Recovery

Paris, France, July 9, 2014 - According to Euroconsult's newly released executive report, Government Space Programs: Strategic Outlook, Benchmarks & Forecasts, government funding for space is expected to progressively recover as public finances regain their comfort zone and programs enter a new growth cycle. Following a critical period of cyclical low funding which concluded in a budget decrease in 2013 worldwide, moderate growth is expected moving forward which should bring world spending to $82 billion by 2023.

Entering the Zettabyte Era: Satellite Operators Make the Case For Smart Future Networks

Venice, Italy, July 8, 2014–European satellite operators today underlined the crucial role that satellite plays in the roll-out of future digital infrastructures. The European Satellite Operators Association (ESOA), represented by its Secretary General, Aarti Holla, and by the CEO of SES, Karim Michel Sabbagh, participated in a high-level meeting between leading EU political and business representatives in Venice.

India Scores a Goal Against Online Pirates

Hong Kong, July 7, 2014–CASBAA, the Asian association of the pay-TV industry, lauded Indian police action in busting up a ring of streaming-TV pirates and arresting four conspirators in Hyderabad a week ago.  The activities of the ring were aimed at diverting the signals of Indian pay-TV broadcasters onto the internet, and retransmitting their signals globally to hundreds of thousands of viewers who paid for a “Jadoo TV” streaming media box.  

Digital Signage Revenue Flattens Amid Competition from Rival Consumer TVs

El Segundo, Calif. July 1, 2014—The digital signage industry is facing a formidable challenge from cheaper, conventional TV panels that replace specialized custom products that long have differentiated the professional displays market, according to a new report from IHS Technology.