News Analysis

Google and Skybox Imaging Sign Acquisition Agreement

Mountain View, Calif., June 13, 2014--Google has entered into an agreement to buy Skybox Imaging for US$ 500 million in cash, subject to adjustments Skybox’s satellites will help keep Google Maps accurate with up-to-date imagery.

European Pay TV Revenues Flatten in 2014

London, UK, June 11. 2014--European pay TV revenues will reach US$ 40.35 billion in 2014, up from US$ 36.87 billion  in 2010, according to a new report from Digital TV Research. The European Digital TV Databook (covering 39 countries) reveals that the 2014 total will only  increase by 0.6% on 2013 as ARPUs are hit by competition and the transition of  subscribers to double-play and triple-play bundles (which result in higher overall ARPUs for operators but lower TV ARPUs). 

Five Million Potential Broadband Customers in the UK Waiting for Something to Buy

London, UK, June 10, 2014--A new broadband mapping report reveals a huge opportunity – which no-one is yet taking up. Over five million British homes and businesses are already paying for superfast broadband services. But there is little sign that anybody is yet trying to sell superfast content or applications to this huge market of prosperous consumers.

World Summit on the Information Society up for 10-year Review

Geneva, Switzerland,  June 10, 2014 – A high level meeting opened today to review progress on the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), which was held in Geneva in 2003 and in Tunis in 2005. Policy-makers, including Government Ministers and leaders from civil society, academia, business, and international organizations will focus attention on implementation of the outcomes of the Summit for next year’s ten-year review during the WSIS+10 High-level Event that kicks off today.

Inmarsat and Arabsat subsidiary Hellas-sat to Launch a Joint Satellite

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, June 5, 2014--Inmarsat and Arabsat subsiary company Hellas-sat today announce that they have signed an agreement together to launch a joint satellite into 390 E orbital location. The satellite will carry two missions; first, the S-band payload (designated ‘EuropaSat’), which represents Inmarsat’s commitment to deploy an integrated telecommunications network to deliver aviation passenger connectivity services on a EU-wide basis and a 44 Ku-band transponders payload designated ‘Hellas-sat 3’ for Hellas-sat, that will replace the existing Hellas-sat 2 satellite. 

ABS Poised for Major Expansion

Hong Kong, June 2, 2014--Satellite operator ABS is preparing for a major business expansion with the launch of ABS-2A & ABS-3A in 2014/2015 and further satellites to be added to the fleet in the following two years. ABS launched its sixth satellite, ABS-2 in February 2014, covering 80% of the world's population including the emerging markets of Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East and Russia / CIS. 

The June 2014 issue of the Satellite Executive Briefing magazine

The June 2014  issue focusing on the Asia-Pacific Satellite Market of  the  Satellite Executive Briefing magazine  sponsored by  Amos Spacecom is now available.  Featuring:

Asia-Pacific Satellite Lead in All Indicatiors by Virgil Labrador

Technical Tutorial on Ground Communications Segment by Bruce Elbert

Back and Forth on Antennas and Terminals  by Lou Zacharilla

The Oil and Gas Bandwidth Optimization Imperative by Martin Jarrold

plus How to Save Costs in VSAT Installations,  Products and Services MarketPlace Profiles CommunicAsia 2014News Analysis, Market Briefs, Executive Moves, Vital Statistics and Satellite Markets and Research 25TM Stock Index  and many more.  Click here to read or download the file

EUTELSAT 3B Satellite Successfully Launched by Sea Launch

Pacific Ocean, May 27, 2014 – The EUTELSAT 3B satellite was successfully launched by a Zenit-3SL rocket operated by Sea Launch AG from the ocean-based Odyssey Launch Platform in the Pacific Ocean. Lift-off of the rocket carrying the six-tonne satellite took place on Monday 26 May at 21.10 GMT/UTC.

Gilat 1st Quarter 2014 Results Slightly better than Previous Quarter

Petah Tikva, Israel, May 21, 2014 – Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd.  today reported its results for the first quarter ended March 31, 2014. Non-GAAP operating income was US$ 0.5 million, compared to a loss of US$ 0.1 million in the fourth quarter 2013. GAAP operating loss was US$ 1.5 million compared to a loss of US$ 2.7 million in the fourth quarter of 2013

M7 Deutschland to acquire KabelKiosk platform from Eutelsat

Paris, France, May 20, 2014 – Eutelsat Communications today announced the sale to M7A Group S.A., trading under the name of M7 Deutschland, of Eutelsat visAvision GmbH., that operates the KabelKiosk platform of digital channels and interactive services for cable and IPTV networks in Germany.