The 3rd Annual GVF Oil & Gas Communications Europe Conference (O&GCE3) on 12th & 13th May 2010 is also the 9th event in the global Oil & Gas Communications Series organized by GVF and UK-EMP. Continuing the Series into its fifth year, the 2010 conference takes the ‘Digital Applications & Communications Dynamics’ focus beyond the territory of the hydrocarbon-bearing sectors of the North Sea, continuing far to the north to the Arctic Ocean region.
by Robert Bell, Executive Director, World Teleport Association
Despite the disappointments of the Copenhagen climate talks, climate change is fast becoming a reality for business. It is partly a matter of planning for the future. The political battles rage on, taking different paths in different parts of the world, but the overall trend is clear. Activities that produce greenhouse gases will be penalized economically. More efficient use of resources from energy to water will become a high priority. Companies face a choice of when, not if, to “go green.”
At the 4th Annual Navy Satcoms Users Workshop organized by the Satellite Industry Association (SIA) during the AFCEA West show in San Diego last February 3rd, senior U.S. Navy officials affirmed that the US Navy’s reliance on commercial satellite communications will continue to grow in the next few years.
In a forum on "Integrating Satellite Services into the Cloud" at the PTC 2010 in Hawaii earlier this month more game-changing ideas were put forward than at any other time in an industry forum.
The Global VSAT Forum (GVF) and United Kingdom Event Management Partners (UK-EMP) have announced that the offer of free conference registration for relevant vertical market professionals originally introduced for their Oil & Gas Series conferences will be continued for the next in the series of industry-specific communications conferences – the Broadband Maritime South East Asia: New Communications Networking Offshore & the High Seas Conference (BMSEAC) – taking place 23rd to 24th February 2010, at the Marina Mandarin hotel in Singapore. For more information go to:
The multi-channel TV industry is more competitive than ever, with a major focus on growing business while navigating the new world of online media and digital content. This was the consensus during the CASBAA Con-vetion held in Hong Kong last November.
The next Pacific Telecommunications Conference, PTC ’10, will again focus on a hot topic for many in the telecommunication and IT industries, "cloud computing". While seemingly esoteric to many, especially some in the sometimes insular satellite sector, cloud computing is coming to dominate the thinking of planners and implementers in many telecommunications and IT sectors. The conference, to be held January 17-20, 2010, in Honolulu, Hawaii (, will bring the concept of cloud computing down to earth and examine its impact in a variety of ways, including the challenges and opportunities it presents to the satellite sector.
Satellite Markets and Research Editor-in-Chief Virgil Labrador and Europe, Middle East and Africa Editor Howard Greenfield discuss the highlights of the IBC Conference and Exhibition held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands from September 10-15, 2009. To view a video of this summary click here.
Phew…we survived! That seemed to be the expression on everyone’s lips at the recently-concluded Satellite Business Week organized by EuroConsult held in Paris from 7-10 September. There was a definite feeling of relief in the air. Relief that the recession hadn’t hit the satellite companies as badly as it had other industries. A sentiment that probably isn’t shared by companies that recently filed for bankruptcy such as ICO Global, Protostar and SeaLaunch-all but the latter were noticeably absent this year.
MILCOM 2009, the premier international conference on military communications, has confirmed that Vice Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army, Gen. Peter Chiarelli, is the keynote speaker for the Wednesday, October 21, 2009 luncheon event. The keynote address aligns with the conference’s technical program that highlights the convergence of communication technologies used by the military, government and homeland security operations. MILCOM 2009 takes place October 18 though 21, 2009 at the Seaport Hotel and World Trade Center in Boston Massachusetts.