
Regulatory Imperatives in the Disaster Response Ecosystem

by Martin Jarrold

London, UK, January 15, 2022--My choice of title for this month’s column is but a mirror to the complexities of what is to many, but certainly not to all, the rather remote topic of satellite regulation. If perhaps rather obscure, satellite regulation is something we certainly cannot do without; utter chaos would follow from its absence.

NAB's PILOT Opens Window for 2022 Innovation Challenge Applications

Washington, D.C., January 4, 2022--PILOTNAB's technology innovation initiative, is now accepting submissions for the PILOT Innovation Challenge through 5 p.m. ET on January 31. The program will provide mentorship and promotion to winning proposals, along with an opportunity to demonstrate their products at NAB Show in Las Vegas, April 23-27, 2022.

6th World Telecommunications/ICT Policy Forum charts course for an equitableand inclusive digital future

Geneva, Switzerland, December 18, 2021--Over 400 top representatives from the public and private sectors affirmed the need to align information and communication technologies (ICTs) and rapidly evolving new and emerging technologies with global priorities for sustainable development.

World Satellite Business Week Highlight Industry Prospects Going Forward

by Elisabeth Tweedie

Paris, France, December 18, 2021--Unlike the IBC, which was canceled at the last minute, World Satellite Business Week organized by Euroconsult, went ahead in December 2021 in Paris as planned.  Normally an in-person only event, held in September, the December event was both in-person and online, resulting in close to normal attendance.  Euroconsult took extraordinary precautions, including making on-site Covid-19 testing available.

NATSATTEL 2021 Highlight Future Trends in the Satcom Industry

Moscow, Russia, December 1, 2021--The participants of NATSATTEL 2021 online conference had plenty of topics on their agenda: transformation of satellite communications industry, convergence with 5G, LEO broadband constellations, software-defined space and ground segments, new challenges and new urgent tasks, sustainability, space debris issues, broadening digital inclusion, and much more. The event was organized by the Intersputnik International Organization of Space Communications, as an integral part of Organization’s 50th anniversary celebrations. Conference had more than 130 online attendees from Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Latin America, Central, South and Southeast Asia.

NAB Show Conference Accepting Proposals for BEIT

Washington, D.C., December 1, 2021--Technical paper and panel proposals are now being accepted for the Broadcast Engineering and Information Technology (BEIT) track of the NAB Show Conference, held at the 2022 NAB Show in Las Vegas. NAB Show is the world's largest convention encompassing the convergence of media, entertainment and technology.

Satellite Remains an Essential Element of Video Distribution Alongside the Growth of OTT

Hong Kong, November 25, 2021– The traditional satcom industry continues to be in a state of rapid change, and still in a state of turmoil. While the industry is currently dominated by a handful of major players, this could also change dramatically over the next five years as new technologies and standards reset the competitive landscape. And despite the impact of Covid, there has been no let-up of interest in investment into the space industry with US$  5.5 Billion in collective proceeds from all 13 space Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPACs) transactions. This was the highlights of the presentation by Caleb Henry, Senior Analyst, Quilty Analytics at the Satellite Industry Forum organized by the Asia Video Industry Association (AVIA)  last week. 

In-Person IBC 2021 Cancelled due to COVID Concerns

Amsterdam, the Netherlands, November 24, 2021--The organizers of IBC announces that the in person IBC2021 event has been cancelled. The move followed growing concerns about the COVID-19 situation in The Netherlands, which has deteriorated over the past week, and feedback from the IBC exhibitor and visitor community.

Despite Partial Lockdown in the Netherlands, IBC 2021 to Move Ahead with a Live Event

Amsterdam, The Netherlands,  November 16, 2021 – IBC organizers today confirmed that IBC2021 will take place as a live event on December 3-6 at The RAI in Amsterdam. The announcement follows a decision at yesterday’s IBC Partnership Board meeting to continue with the planned event because it can be delivered safely and create the essential business momentum that the industry needs.

WTPF-21 to Highlight how Tech Can Drive Sustainable Development

Geneva, Switzerland, November 9, 2021--The sixth World Telecommunication/ICT Policy Forum (WTPF-21) will take place in Geneva, Switzerland, from 16 to 18 December, with the aim of helping countries worldwide move faster to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, without leaving anyone behind.