
Mark Dankberg, Newtec and Spacecom Win the First Vision Awards Presented During SATCON 2012

November 15, 2012, New York City—At an awards ceremony held on the first day of the SATCON Conference and Exhibition in New York City, the First Annual Vision Awards announced winners in three categories:   Mark Dankberg, CEO of Viasat won the Visionary Executive of the Year; Newtec’s MDM6000 Satellite Modem won the Innovative Product of the Year and Israel-based satellite operator Spacecom won the Most Promising Company of the Year.


The Game Change in Satellite Service Provision

by Martin Jarrold

London, UK,  November 7, 2012--Broadband is the hot topic around the world. Demand for spectrum never abates. Profound statements indeed! Over the years, satellite systems have responded to the increasing demand for more-and-more spectrum, at lower-and-lower cost, in order to facilitate expanded broadband access, by developing ever more efficient, powerful, and cost-effective space and ground segments.

Broadband World Forum Enters New Era

London, UK, October 25, 2012-- the Broadband World Forum, took the broadband industry into a new era of connectivity and services, as thousands of visitors filled Amsterdam’s RAI Exhibition Centre last week. The new venue and fresh new programme reflected the evolving nature of the industry, specifically focussing on the power of broadband to transform lives and the possibilities and opportunities with innovation. It debates the challenges for broadband networks, the policy that governs them and the applications and services that drive demand.

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The 31st Annual MILCOM Conference and Expo Returns to Orlando, Florida

Orlando, Florida, October 17, 2012--The thirty-first annual MILCOM Conference and Exposition, “Trusted Communications…Awareness to Action”, will be held at the Gaylord Palms Convention Center in Orlando, Florida, October 29 through November 1.  Co-sponsored by AFCEA International and the IEEE Communications Society, and hosted by Harris Corporation, MILCOM is the premier international conference for military communications. It gathers the leading minds of government, military, industry and academia in an interactive forum to further explore, define and leverage the benefits networks bring to today’s and tomorrow’s challenges. MILCOM 2012 gives industry the opportunity to promote communications technologies and services to commanders from all branches of the armed forces, Department of Defense, federal government, and the heads of multi-national forces from around the globe.

Build, Buy or Partner: OTTtv World Summit Helps Telcos Respond to the Rise of OTT

London, UK, October 4, 2012– With the number of people viewing online video via connected devices predicted to leap to 380 million globally by 2015*, OTTtv is at the forefront of connected entertainment and is undoubtedly an industry with huge potential. This provides the setting for this year’s OTTtv World Summit, where industry heavyweights Gerry O’Sullivan, SVP of Global TV and Entertainment at Deutsche Telekom, and Terry Denson, VP of Content and Acquisition at Verizon, will explore and debate whether telcos should build, buy or partner, in order to respond to this rapidly growing industry.

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ITU Telecom World 2012 to Bring Together Global ICT Leaders

CEOs, Ministers, Regulators, academics to meet in Dubai, 14-18 October 2012

Geneva, September 3, 2012--ITU Telecom World 2012 is set to open in Dubai, 14-18 October 2012, bringing together a uniquely inclusive list of international speakers for five days of constructive dialogue and debate that will centre on “the radical transformation of the ICT industry and the crucial importance of ensuring that connectivity in a transformed world is universal, fair, open and secure”.

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IRG and GVF Tackle Interference at IBC 2012

Amsterdam, September 1, 2012--The Satellite Interference Reduction Group (IRG) and Global VSAT Forum (GVF) announced a number of meetings and initiatives relating to satellite interference at IBC. On Thursday 6th September, IRG and GVF are organising a Eutelsat-sponsored meeting to discuss value-added services, that may be enabled by the Space Data Assocation. The meeting will be hosted in the Holiday Inn, Amsterdam from 1-5pm.

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Satellite IRG to Host Annual Conference in Dubai

Douglas, Isle of Man, August 21, 2012--The Satellite Interference Reduction Group (IRG) today announced that its annual conference will be held in Dubai from 18th - 20th November 2012.The annual IRG conference brings together experts from all areas of the industry, including broadcasters, satellite operators, and equipment manufacturers. It provides a forum to discuss recent developments, as well as looking forward to the next steps.

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Content is King at Video World Conference & Expo

Norwalk, Conn. August 8, 2012--The conference program at Video World Conference & Expo continues to grow, as additional speakers and sessions have been added to the agenda October 3-5 in Austin, Texas, TMC announced. Video World will assemble the best and brightest minds in the video and broadband industry to provide a depth-and-breadth educational agenda on all the latest trends in video. The show is collocated with ITEXPO, the world’s largest and best-attended communications and technology trade show.

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Techforum 2012 Focus on Innovation

by Virgil Labrador, Editor-in-Chief

Hauppage, New York, August 8, 2012--The annual Techforum event organized  by Globecomm focused on “The Innovators’ Edge” and did not disappoint.  Held at its facility in Long Island, New York from August 6-7, 2012 attracted over 100 participants representing a broad cross-section of companies from both the wireless and broadcast sectors. T his year’s event included keynotes from David Kline, CTO, Viacom Media Networks and Bradley Blanken, Vice President, Rural Cellular Association as well as networking functions.